Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Rtgtg Research Paper Example Essay Example
Rtgtg Research Paper Example Paper That information incorporates, yet isn't restricted to, understudy records, work force records, business, and bookkeeping records. The blast of systems and Internet related enlightening exercises implies that this touchy information is all the more advantageously accessible to approved staff in manners undreamed of even a couple of years prior but at the same time is in danger. M-DDCD must address the issue of the security of this information so that all roads of access are carefully controlled and that the protection and estimation of the information are not traded off. The Office of Management and Compliance Audits (MAC), working together with Loss of financing (for instance, FEET) because of the transmission of mistaken information to different offices Unfair punishment or favorable position to understudies because of the transmission of wrong information (for instance, erroneous transcripts bringing about out of line punishment or bit of leeway to understudies applying for school as well as grants) Loss of arranging or bit of leeway by unapproved divulgence of records and different business advantages for merchants Liability for off base information (counting State and Federal punishments) Errors in business choices because of off base information Negative exposure encompassing the utilization of off base information and resulting administrative implementation Inability to process business exchanges in an opportune manner or not in the slightest degree Sensitive information is characterized as any information that should just be seen by approved staff. We will compose a custom article test on Rtgtg Research Paper Example explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Rtgtg Research Paper Example explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Rtgtg Research Paper Example explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Information affectability is dictated by, yet not restricted to, government and state laws (counting security acts), M-DDCD Board Policies, and choices by ranking staff or potentially the information proprietors (see area 2. 1 of this record). 1. 3 Background of M-DDCD Data Security Historically, practically all M-DDCD information was kept on the M-DDCD centralized computer at ITS and access was carefully controlled using the centralized server IBM SO/390 Security Servers (RACE). For whatever length of time that important information is kept on the centralized server, this acknowledged Trinidad-genuine strategy for insurance will keep on being the pillar of our centralized server security endeavors. Besides, it gives a model progressive assurance plot, which can be utilized in an extended system security worldview. This incorporates the designation of nearby approval obligations to an affirmed director at the site. Endorsed managers incorporate school principals and division heads. 2. 0 Scope In this report, approved staff will from now on be characterized as all M-DDCD workers, advisors, sellers, evaluators, understudies, brief assistance, volunteers, and others approved by M-DDCD to utilize the particular M-DDCD PC frameworks, applications, and data required for the exhibition of their Job or capacity. These particular Page 2 of 2 capacities are resolved or potentially affirmed by the site boss. Approvals without the site executives endorsement is restricted. Alteration of coming up next is a rundown of a portion of the people/assets the Network Security Standards apply to: All approved staff, volunteers, understudies, and sellers just as unapproved parties looking for access to M-DDCD PC assets All M-DDCD centralized servers, minicomputers, PCs, outside timesharing dream, outside providers of information, arrange frameworks, remote gadgets, M-DDCD-authorized programming, switches, switches, center points, remote gadgets, and PC workstations All M-DDCD information and reports got from these offices All projects created on M-DDCD time or utilizing organization gear All terminals, correspondence lines, and related hardware on M-DDCD premises or associated with M-DDCD PCs over physical or virtual connections Any hardware not claimed by M-DDCD yet associated with the M-DDCD arrange. All M-DDCD staff and approved non-staff must know about the dangers and act to the greatest advantage of M-DDCD. These principles detail staffs obligations regarding PC security. Unapproved people who endeavor to utilize M-DDCD PC assets will be indicted to the furthest reaches conceivable. 2. 1 Owners of Data All PC records and information are to be related with a client. As a rule, except if in any case determined, the leader of the office who mentioned the making of the documents and projects that store and control the information on the PC is the proprietor of the information. The proprietor is answerable for determining whether the information is delicate and which client ids will be approved to get to it, or who will be liable for giving ouch approval. 3. Physical Security Adequate structure security (both physical and ecological) must be accommodated the assurance of all physical and consistent M-DDCD PC resources and particularly delicate applications and information. Securit y incorporates, however isn't restricted to, lockable entryways and windows, constrained access, insurance from water, fire, and the components, cautions, get to controls, and observation gadgets, for example, cameras and screens. Site bosses must ensure all equipment and programming doled out to their area. Managerial PCs must be isolated from homeroom PCs. Understudies ND unapproved staff ought to never approach managerial machines. Page 3 of 3 4. Non-Mainframe System Security Non-centralized server frameworks (Local Area Network (LANA) and Wide Area Network (WAN)) must have a similar insurance strategy set up as do centralized computers to guarantee MADCAP PC resources are secure. Automatic strategies are to be utilized to control access to non-centralized server assets. These strategies incorporate characterizing explicit clients or gatherings to explicit framework assets, and utilization of the least benefit idea for access to all framework level assets, for example, the workin g framework, utilities, and databases. Least benefit is characterized as a default of no entrance to these assets and the prerequisite of unequivocal consent and approval by the proprietor dependent on need. Non-Mainframe frameworks must be furnished with: 1 . Evaluating/logging of such security-applicable data as sign on data, asset access, and TCP/IP tends to at whatever point conceivable. 2. Security alterations and framework director occasions. 3. Capacity to review [log explicit clients and assets on request. 4. Capacity to send explicit security touchy occasions straightforwardly to a predefined overseers workstation, terminal, or email, ideally with a perceptible caution. . 1 M-DDCD Network Systems Security Network frameworks incorporate any neighborhood (LANA)2, wide-zone arrange (WAN)3, dial-up, Internet, servers, server associations, switches, center points, switches, lines, programming, and information that are outside the M-DDCD centralized server framework. The security must incorporate both physical and consistent layers of insurance. As M-DDCD moves from putting away and moving touchy data utilized inside the M-DDCD in a shut system engineering using private or potentially rented lines to an open system design utilizing Internet and TCP/IP systems, representatives must give specific consideration to the security of these benefits. 4. 1. 1 Network Structure, Hierarchy, and Requirements As an announcement of bearing, all regulatory PC-type servers in M-DDCD ought to relocate to the Windows 2003 (or above) working framework. Microsoft no longer backings Windows NT or Windows 2000 and won't give fixes or reports to vulnerabilities, including any new ones found. No Windows NT servers are to be associated with the system and each exertion must be made to evacuate Windows 2000 servers as of now associated. Since these Operating Systems (SO) are unsupported, there is no enemy of infection or fixing accessible for them and they are thusly unprotected. Delicate information ought to be moved to a server with a more elevated level SO. Applications ought to be refreshed to deal with and be moved excessively more elevated level SO assuming there is any chance of this happening. In the event that a refreshed form isn't accessible merchants must be informed that Page 4 of 4 they should give a refreshed rendition of the application as quickly as time permits. All servers despite everything utilizing Microsoft Windows NT must be moved to a Windows 2003 or above server stage quickly or disengaged from the system. Heads of servers presently utilizing Novella, or some other PC arrange working framework ought to likewise emphatically consider moving to Windows 2003 or above Server. Work areas and workstations associated with the system ought to likewise be moved to Windows XP SSP or above to exploit more elevated levels of security. 2. The District utilizes Active Directory Services (ADS), a various leveled process like a pyramid. Data Technology Services has built up and keeps up the root ADS (the highest point of the pyramid) for MADCAP and decides nearby and bunch strategy settings. In Microsoft terms, this structure is best portrayed as a timberland. All other District servers will be added to the ITS built up Active Directory timberland. Underneath the root in the backwoods are Organizational Units (Us) that are the school and authoritative destinations in the District. These nearby US are just littler systems with their own Domain Controllers (DC) that associate with the M-DDCD organize. T hese Dos are under ITS power and are not to be overseen at all by the nearby OH heads. Nearby OH managers should carefully confine access to their OH from different US just as the outside. ITS must have Enterprise Administrator rights to all US in the District backwoods. ITS must give propelled notice of gathering strategy changes. 4. PCs with Windows xx or prior are precluded from being associated with any M-DDCD organize. The security highlights of this degree of SO are amazingly crude and leave client accounts helpless against an assortment of dangers, including decoded storing of client ids and passwords. As expressed pre
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Reflective learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Intelligent learning - Essay Example I additionally caused them to accept that raising assets isn't generally hard the same number of my friends thought. I caused them to comprehend that there are a ton of approaches to raise subsidizes we simply must be innovative and apply a little exertion to raise it. I present the possibility of a carport deal with a gathering. The things that will be at a bargain will be the things that our neighbors are prepared to arrange. To make the story short, we had the option to surpass our goal to raise support for our task while having a great time simultaneously. The other experience I had about driving a gathering was during a school venture where I was doled out as an undertaking chief. I was reluctant from the outset since I was on edge that I may wind up doing the entire task myself if my colleagues won't work and participate. It was not as hard as I suspected on the off chance that one will simply realize how to push ââ¬Å"the right buttonâ⬠or propel the gathering individual s to work. Before these activities were understood, the procedure and elements of completing it was very extreme. It was an interaction of initiative, hierarchical ability, cooperation and settling individual issue among the individuals in the gathering. Be that as it may, the fundamental part is administration on the best way to guide the vitality of the group to submit and understand our goal (Kayser and Melcher 2007). It was difficult soliciting individuals from my age to do certain things that it made me contemplate it and in the process took in a few things about myself. I discovered that in getting individuals resolve to do certain things, I need to coexist with them very well particularly on the off chance that it is a charitable effort simply like our locale venture or a school work where one can't immediate others since everyone is in equivalent balance (we are for the most part understudies). I discovered that I do entirely well in this office that it is practically easy o n my part. However, I need to concede that there are things about me that is un-pioneer like that I need to change, for example, my inclination to stall. I saw that when I stall, my colleagues additionally did likewise. There are additionally sure things about my conduct that I didn't understand to be an administration attribute. Realizing that my colleagues in our locale venture are not being paid to do it, I summoned their higher feeling of accomplishing and contributing great when I disclosed to them that what we are doing is for the network and that we will end up being a constant piece of it since we buckled down for a task committed to our locale. This is really a characteristic of transformational authority (Judge and Piccolo 2004). My great relational ability additionally empowered me to viably address an issue with our gathering. The individual I appointed to go entryway to entryway in one of our boulevards unexpectedly didn't appear. I was concerned. However, rather than c ondemning at him to be languid and cautious, I asked what occurred. I discovered that my colleague had a health related crisis at home on the grounds that a sister must be raced to the medical clinic. At the point when the issue was done, my colleague was exceptionally inspired to go entryway to entryway to gather things for our carport deal and this would not have been conceivable had I passed judgment on him before. On regions that I have to improve my conduct about initiative, I trust it would be my hierarchical and regulatory aptitudes. I need to concede that I am disrupted as a pioneer. I understood this during the carport deal itself since I had tough time setting up the occasion. The occasion could have been exceptional with more participants and more assets could have been raised in the event that I had a superior
Operating System common on the Internet Essay
This paper examines the different kinds of working frameworks that are ordinarily utilized for the web. The paper clarifies the general significance of the working frameworks and afterward talks about the different sorts of working frameworks which bolster the web applications. A working framework is a product part of a PC framework that is liable for the administration of different exercises of the PC and the sharing of PC assets. Working Systems give a base programming stage on which different projects called application projects can run. Working frameworks empower client to collaborate with the PC frameworks by going about as an interface between clients or the application programs and the PC equipment. The diverse working frameworks accessible in the market offer a wide decision for the client. Nonetheless, with the expanding web use, the decision of working framework extraordinarily relies upon how well the OS underpins the exercises of the web based applications. The distinctive working frameworks give various sorts of programs to empower web use. Linux is the most well known working framework for the web and depends on UNIX, much the same as the Mac OS X. Linux offers bigger measure of free space and open source programming and is more prepared than any of different partners. Looking at the highlights of the different OS, Hughes expresses that one of the most significant highlights of the Linux working framework is its arrangement of web customers and servers including mail, news, FTP, web just as the intermediary customers and servers. Inferable from the scope of Linux circulations to offer, Linux is effectively adaptable. The utilization of similarity layers, for example, Wine, makes Linux adjusted with the windows programs and thus a decent decision for the web. The framework is less inclined to infections and henceforth increasingly solid, particularly for the web. The framework is openly accessible and far more affordable. This progressed working framework is generally well known and suggested for web clients. BSD working frameworks are fundamentally the same as Linux working frameworks and completely bolster web get to. Both Linux and BSD accompany full usefulness for normal dial-up, PPP-based, link modem, and Ethernet associations. Sun Operating framework, which is a piece of Sun Microsystems Solaris, is one more OS ordinarily utilized for web organized applications (Linfo, 2004). In spite of the fact that not all that normally utilized, BSD and IRIX likewise considered as great working frameworks for the web applications. Linux is viewed as more secure for web facilitating servers. It is found to b progressively dependable, steady and effective (Internet-Web Hosting). Microsoft Windows has been the most widely recognized working framework. The arrangement of working frameworks began with MS_DOS, Windows 95, Windows NT, XP and the now well known Windows Vista. Attributable to the biggest library of projects and applications, and the simplicity of equipment similarity that it renders, Windows keeps on being one of the ordinarily selected working frameworks. In any case, considering the presentation speed and security issues, Windows probably won't be the best decision for the web. Windows working framework is inclined to infections and spy product as a result of which it requires the establishment and upkeep of the web security programming. Appleââ¬â¢s Mac OS X is the second most mainstream working framework dependent on UNIX. The OS is generally less difficult and increasingly perfect. It offers many propelled includes alongside a natural interface. Macintosh OS X underpins second biggest determination of programming and is the most solid working framework. Dissimilar to the Windows Operating framework, Mac OS X isn't inclined to infection or malware and is a superior decision for the web when contrasted with Windows for specific cases. In any case, the restricted similarity with the Apple equipment forces a limitation on the framework being utilized over the web. In contrast to the Windows, the Mac OS X doesn't require the regular consumption on the web security programming memberships and is subsequently more affordable when contrasted with the Windows. The decision of Operating Systems for running Internet applications principally relies upon the kind of client. While Windows might be the decision of home and relaxation clients, Linux is commonly utilized by experts. Windows offers convenience though Linux gives Security and Open source. References Hughes, P. , Operating Systems Comparison. Recovered on April 14, 2009 from http://netshooter. com/linux/oscomp. html The Most Popular Operating Systems. 2004. Linux Information Project Retrieved on April 14, 2009 from http://www. linfo. organization/operating_systems_list. html Internet-Web Hosting. Retreived on April 14, 2009 from http://www. web webhosting. com/whichplan. php
Friday, August 21, 2020
My Personal Thoughts on God, Ethics and Knowledge Free Essays
The three segments that make up my Christian perspective are God, morals, and information since they have shaped my reasoning, beneficial encounters, went with an abundance of information through training and life choices. Experience God and doing the will God is one of those segments. In view of my confidence in God I have figured out how to trust and rely upon him unequivocally for everything. We will compose a custom paper test on My Personal Thoughts on God, Ethics and Knowledge or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now Also; being appreciative for the hardships where supernatural occurrences had the chance to be birthed into appearance. For instance, when my mom was hospitalized and my pager went off multiple times God was cautioning me that inconvenience was ahead. I had weeped for about fourteen days sooner before the occurrence and I thought I was grieving for my companions mother, who was hospitalized and actually I was grieving my own motherââ¬â¢s demise. Probably the best choice that I at any point made was the point at which I surrendered my life to God and permitted his ideal will to come into my reality. By doing that it allowed me to increase Christian instruction and lessons all through the holy book. Since without those lessons and understanding it is difficult to comprehend things that occur in life in any case, yet he prepares you consistently. The expression of God has given us the guide to morals, and the ramifications for doing the good and bad things throughout everyday life. Morals assumes a crucial job in this since it is the guideline of managing what is correct or wrong, and the ethics that one have. At the point when you obey God he favors you; nonetheless on the off chance that you defy him he will permit a revile to happen upon you. The dutifulness opens up entryways that in any case would have been shut. Individuals will in general give you favor throughout everyday life, and they donââ¬â¢t even perceive why they are doing what they are doing at that point. I call this strolling in the Fog or strolling in the kindness of God. At the point when God advises you to give an individual something and you donââ¬â¢t even know why you are doing it. Like when I bought a vehicle to get around and do things done, however after I had fixed up the vehicle God advised me to part with the vehicle. This was a vehicle that I had paid for with money, and God trained me to simply part with it and donââ¬â¢t think back. I did it since I am insane for Jesus, and I donââ¬â¢t need any clarifications, he is consistently there, simply focus. The expression of God is information that can transform yourself as you become more acquainted with the word and doing the desire of God. This information is significant for your instructive development, and profound prosperity. God needs you to have an individual relationship with him, and needs us to open our hearts and banter with him. He knows your story and how it will wind up, your main responsibility is to simply trust and rely upon your eminent dad. He will uncover himself, his motivation for your life, and directions once you welcome him into your contemplations. God says to have confidence the size of a mustard seed, and confidence without works is dead. I have figured out how to trust him and life will turn into a fantasy transformed into the real world. With no information it is difficult to satisfy God, and there is nothing to put together your convictions and qualities with respect to throughout everyday life. Which is the place you information originates from, and there are various sorts of information. For instance, information that you get in a profession, or the information on God from investing energy with him in the word. My convictions depend on the expression of God, and the manner in which he needs me to live. In view of me focusing on the expression of God I have settled on better choices in my own, scholarly and business life. The Word of God is the best instructing that anybody can get when the psyche opens up to get the headings. By permitting God, his insight, and showing me how to carry on with a moral way of life my life has gotten very satisfying and more extensive. Godââ¬â¢s Holy Spirit is our own instructor to teach us on the best way to treat individuals, and carry on with a real existence calmly. You know do unto others as you would have them due unto you. He likewise needs us to adore Him and admit our wrongdoings when we have submitted one. The best way to know this for one self is to open your heart and psyche and welcome the Holy Spirit into your sanctuary with the goal that one can have an extraordinary encounter for the great. My three segments that make up this Christian perspective are God, morals and information since they have formed my reasoning, beneficial encounters went with an abundance of information through instruction and life choices. Instructions to refer to My Personal Thoughts on God, Ethics and Knowledge, Papers
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Twenty-One Days Abroad in Twenty-One Photographs
Twenty-One Days Abroad in Twenty-One Photographs Over IAP, I had the opportunity to participate in one of MITs IAP programs in Madrid. I enrolled in 21L.590 Global Literature (although on Stellar, its listed as Cultural Encounters: Spain and Beyond), a full semester course condensed down into 12 days. This particular course was taught in English, but for those looking for a more Spanish-language intensive course, MIT also offers Spanish 2 and Spanish Conversation and Composition courses in Madrid over IAP, both taught in Spanish. Having already taken Spanish Conversation and Composition in the fall semester, I thought 21L.590 would be the perfect chance to finally take a Literature course and practice my Spanish speaking skills. The course would end up covering a crash course on Spanish history, an assortment of Spanish poetry, various excerpts from literary texts, films from differing perspectives, a play (Blood Wedding by Federico GarcÃa Lorca), and a novel (Leaving Atocha Station by Ben Lerner), among other things. Professor Re snick did a great job of leading us through thought-provoking discussions about an overarching theme: seeing Spain from the perspective of insiders and outsiders alike. The reading/homework load was relatively light, which left us plenty of time in the afternoons and on the weekends to explore as much of Spain as we could. Logistically speaking, I stayed in a homestay with one other MIT student where we had breakfast and dinner provided. Classes were held four days a week (Monday-Thursday) for three weeks (January 4th January 24th) from 10:30am to around 1-1:30pm, depending on what we were doing that day. I was lucky enough to have been awarded a Global Education Scholarship through MIT which helped cover the program fees, airfare, the homestay, and additional expenses for food and travel in Madrid. The rest of this blog is, like the title suggests, twenty-one photographs that I took on my phone camera while travelling. I didnt take these photographs with the intention of posting them formally on this blog so some of them might seem a bit random. To compensate for the randomness of subject matter, Ive arranged them here in chronological order to provide (the illusion of) structure. As super official self-appointed curator of this collection of photographs, I have numbered each work, penned an apt title, and included the subject matter in brackets for reference. #1: Shiny Wood Grain [Library at the Instituto Internacional] Classes were held at the Instituto Internacional, an English language learning center and homebase for a few other US study abroad programs. This was taken on January 4th, 2017, the first day of class, in the basement library of the Instituto Internacional where I often spent afternoons working on my assignments. Not really sure who the person sleeping is, but p.s. I like your jacket. #2: Shiny Palace [Palacio de Cristal in El Retiro] El Retiro is one of the largest public parks in Madrid. According to its tourism webpage, the park is sometimes referred to as the green lungs of the city, which doesnt sound like the best metaphor to me, but oh well, I guess it sounds cool. I would often stroll through the grassy expanse of the park, weaving through skeleton-bare trees, around quiet lakes, and across worn asphalt ribbons, on the walk to and from class. In an effort to not be one-hundred percent potato, I decided to walk the 2.5 miles each way instead of taking the Metro. At the time of my visit, the Glass Palace, which is inside the park, housed an auditory exhibit in which visitors entered in silence and immersed themselves in an echo chamber of miscellaneous soundwaves. #3: The Its-Raining-Hard-Candies Parade [Cabalgata de los Reyes Magos] On January 5th, 2017, some MIT students and I wormed our way into the crowd alongside La Castellana to watch the annual Cabalgata de los Reyes Magos, a parade celebrating Three Kings Day. We stood shoulder to shoulder with children on ladders and umbrella toting adults alike. As each new float rumbled by, fistfuls of hard candies were chucked into the sea of people who giggled with glee and scrambled to swipe flying sweets out of the night air as they soared by. There were also floats with neon lights, confetti sprays, and one with a giant astronaut puppet that occasionally turned its creepy mannequin-esque head side-to-side. Much fun was had. #4: Real Streets have Curves [Calle San Bruno in Madrid] Professor Resnick and her husband were kind enough to lead a walking tour of downtown Madrid on the first weekend, taking a group of students from the Palacio Real to the Market of San Miguel for snacks and even to San Gines for some churros and chocolate. The city architecture was always a point of interest and the eclectic mix of colors and fine detail on the buildings was the subject of many photographs that day. #5: White Dog with Fluffy Hair [White Dog with Fluffy Hair] An example of meta-artwork: a photograph of a painting in the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum. Madrid is home to quite a few excellent museums, including the Prado (home of Guernica) and the Reina Sofia (home of Las Meninas), which I spent countless lazy afternoons wandering through. Many museums in Spain have student or under-25 discounts and a few, like the Prado and the Reina Sofia are completely free. #6: Egypt Gives the Best Gifts [Temple of Debod] The Temple of Debod was a gift from Egypt to Spain 1968 as a gesture of gratitude for helping them preserve the Abu Simbel temples in the 1960s. This shrine was taken from Upper Egypt, dismantled, and then reassembled in the Parque Del Oeste. It is now open to the public and can actually be entered, though at the time of my visit, it was closed for unknown reasons (sadface). #7: Woman Dancing in a Darkly Lit Room [Flamenco at Casapatas] Courtesy of Professor Resnick and funding from MIT, our class was given the opportunity to experience a live flamenco show. The evening was filled with a symphony of clapping hands, strummming Spanish guitar, stomping heels, soulful singing, and the visual weight of rhythmic motion and sinuous physicality on stage. #8: The Sun is Really Bright [AVE at the Atocha Station] With no class on Fridays, students had the luxury of planning multiple day trips during the weekend to cities like Toledo, Segovia, Granada, and Seville. Tickets for the AVE meant shorter commuting times on the high speed trains. Luckily, my homestay was only a 20 minute walk from the largest railway station in Madrid: Atocha Station. This photograph was taken right before we embarked on a quick ride to Toledo for a day trip. #9: I Dub Thee My Favorite Alley in All the World [alleyway in Toledo] This is probably my favorite alley in all the world by default because honestly, who even keeps track of which alley is their favorite? Anyway, this particular alley creates a uniquely pleasant echo when you stomp around it. I considered including a soundclip, but realized I didnt know how to extract or embed audio and then sort of gave up. It sounds kind of like BWAaaaaaawppp or DWAAAaaaawppp. Use your imagination. My roommate and I stumbled upon this alley as we wandered the streets of Toledo, which all seemed like quaint and narrow twists between tightly-packed buildings. It would eventually lead to a convent where we would proceed to buy a box of marzipan from a nun through a dumbwaiter. #10: Shiny Ceiling [Palacio Real in Madrid] Though technically the official residence of the Royal Family of Spain, the palace is used only occasionally for state functions and on most days serves as a museum of sorts, through which visitors can ooh and aah at the extravagence of it all. From wall length tapestries to intricate ceiling paintings to gold embellished furniture, the palace is the definition of luxury. There is even a room with porcelain walls. What. #11: Spain Has the Bluest Skies [Catedral de Segovia] There are a lot of cathedrals in Spain. Though each varies quite a bit in style and architecture, they are all awe-inspiring examples of human artistry and dedication. This one was in Segovia, which I visited on a day trip my second weekend. I like how the blueness of the sky really pops against the pale yellow spires of the cathedral. Even though it was the dead of winter, by afternoon, you could almost always start to feel the warming rays of sunshine cutting through the blue sky like a hot knife through butter. Fun fact: Spain is the second highest country in Europe after Switzerland, which may or may not explain things. Science? #12: Baby with Giant Man Head [Statue at Catedral de Segovia] Lol. #13: You Look Like Someone I Know [El Alcázar de Segovia] According to Wikipedia (and probably other reputable sources), this castle in Segovia was one of the few castles that Herbert Ryman, the designer of the Cinderella Castle, used for inspiration. #14: This is Definitely Not an Over-Edited Photo [Bell Tower in Segovia] This is the only photograph in this collection that has been altered using photo-editing software. I was bored one day and started messing around with my free Lightroom phone app. I enjoy movies, travelling, long walks on the beach and photographs with over-saturated colors. #15: Greasy, Carb-y Goodness [Fried Calamari Sandwich from CervecerÃa La Campana] Part of experiencing a new culture is of course stuffing your face with new foods! What you see here is what you get: hot rings of deep-fried calamari stuffed between a piece of bread sliced sideways. I thought it would be dry and no fun to eat, but it was surprisingly moist and delicious. Other foods sampled in Spain included: fried eggplant with honey, pigs ears, actually cheesy cheesecake, Spanish tortilla, suckling pig, tripe stew, etc. #16: This is a Street [Gran Via in Madrid] This photograph was taken on January 19th 2017, just five days before the end of the course. In an effort to capture not only the landmarks and excitement of the city, but also the simple feeling of just being there, I whipped out my phone while crossing an intersection and snapped a photograph. The impending departure seemed bittersweet. #17: Obligatory Food Photo No.2 [Paella in Barcelona] The last weekend in Spain was spent in Barcelona where I stayed for three days and two nights in a hostel. While seafood in Madrid is supposed to be extremely good as well, we took advantage of being in a seaside city to sample the famed Paella. My favorite part was the crispy rice bits at the bottom of the pan! #18: Wind: 1, Krystal: 0 [Montjuïc Castle in Barcelona] Montjuïc Castle is an old military fort at the top of Montjuïc, a hill in Barcelona. After a morning trek up the steep-ish hill, we finally reached the top and peered out over the stone walls. The view alone was worth the burning thighs and out-of-breath sighs we had endured. Stretched out in front of us was the sprawling Barcelona cityscape, bounded on each side by rolling hills and slate grey ocean waves. The wind was atrocious though, so we eventually gave up trying to take nice photographs and headed over to the Joan Miró Museum on the way back down Montjuïc. #19: An Excellent Photograph of Birds and Trees (and also i guess a basilica) [Sagrada Familia in Barcelona] No trip to Barcelona is complete without a visit to the Sagrada Familia. Though construction on the Sagrada Familia was started in 1882, designed in part by architect Antoni GaudÃ, the extravagent basilica is not projected to be complete until 2026. In the meantime, visitors can marvel at the skyward spires and the cranes that tower alongside them. #20: Tiny Man for Scale [Inside of the Sagrada Familia] There is a tiny man included at the bottom left corner of the photograph so that you can fully appreciate the neck-craning and awe-inspiring height of the basilicas ceilings. The best parts were the rainbow light beams and color mosaics that the stained glass windows cast across the cavernous space. #21: Literally Just a Photo of Ham [Jamón Ibérico at Don Jamón] On my second to last day, I ordered my final plate of cured ham in Spain. With their iconic rows of upside-down pigs legs hanging from the walls, ham shops in Spain are not uncommon. From each hulking haunch, thin slices of the salty, fatty treat are shaved off and served with a warm crusty roll. Yum. Over the three weeks, my roommate and I had developed a low-key fascination with the Spanish specialty. We had already enjoyed it in its purest form, in sandwich form, in egg-dish form, and in cheese-and-ham-filled-paper-cone form just to name a few so it was an apt culinary finale to an unforgettable trip. Post Tagged #photography
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