Tuesday, November 26, 2019

East and West; The Yiddish Film essays

East and West; The Yiddish Film essays There is a lot of tension between modern culture and old culture in the film, East and West. Much intergenerational conflict occurs between Mollie and her father Morris and also between Mollie and the rest of the family from Poland. The differences between Mollie and her father and the rest of the family are immediately evident when they arrive in Poland. Morris is noticeably lacking the beard and traditional dress that most of the men have, and Mollie doesnt really fit in with her cropped hair cut, bold lipstick, and dress. On one of the holiest holidays of the Jewish year Mollie distances herself yet further from the traditional culture. Instead of following along in her prayer book Mollie slips a novel in and reads while she pretends to be praying. While she was supposed to be fasting all day she sneaks back to her relatives house and eats the meal that was prepared for that night. Once she returns from satiating her appetite her cousin Zelda complains of hunger pains; Mollie, not wanting to miss out on attention, also feigns hunger pains. She doesnt care about anyone except herself. Jealous of Zeldas wedding Mollie decides to steal some attention by staging a mock wedding. In all the excitement Jacob gets dragged away from his studies to be the groom. Jacob places a ring on Mollies finger, knowing that by Jewish law this will make them married. Despite being urged not to by all of the learned men Jacob places the ring on Mollies finger. Mollie is very upset about the whole marriage incident. Morris and Mollie consult the Rabbi who orders Jacob to set Mollie free. He refuses to obey the Rabbi and turns his back on tradition. Everyone in the old culture rejects him. Jacob longs to be accepted by the traditional society, but at the same time also wishes to please Mollie. Since he is an outcast of society Jacob decides to leave and live with his Uncle in Vienna. When h...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Words of Wisdom Quotes That Enrich Everyday Life

Words of Wisdom Quotes That Enrich Everyday Life Wisdom is the distilled knowledge that is created through experience and insight. It is not something only the educated have. Mankinds ancestors left behind a treasure trove of wisdom in the form of scriptures, folklore, and proverbs. Their wise words guide people through the meandering path of life through the legends, folk tales, and  sayings  that get passed from one generation to another. These words of wisdom can help guide your life. Read them once, and you will find them  interesting. Read them again, and you will perceive their depth. Sir Winston Churchill The price of greatness is responsibility. Khalil Gibran Yesterday is but todays memory, and tomorrow is todays dream. A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle. Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars. I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet, strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers. ​Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof. Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Lifes longing for itself. They came through you but not from you and though they are with you yet they belong not to you. Theodore Roosevelt Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Dalai Lama When you lose, dont lose the lesson. Berthold Auerbach Years teach us more than books. A. Maude Royden Learn to hold loosely all that is not eternal. Mark Twain Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest. Epictetus Decide who you must be, then do what you must do. Buddha What you are is what you have been, and what you will be is what you do now. Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. We are formed and molded by our thoughts. Those whose minds are shaped by selfless thoughts give joy when they speak or act. Joy follows them like a shadow that never leaves them. Thich Nhat Hanh To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself. William James The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook. Albert Einstein Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. Elizabeth Cady Stanton Self-development is a higher duty than self-sacrifice. Confucius Recompense injury with justice, and recompense kindness with kindness. What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others. Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star. Henry David Thoreau Do not hire a man who does your work for money, but him who does it for love of it. Kurt Vonnegut What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured. Ralph Waldo Emerson Do not be too timid and squeamish about your reactions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. Ruth Stafford Peale Find a need and fill it. Sun Tzu Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak. Jimi Hendrix Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens. Chinese Proverb The longer the explanation, the bigger the lie.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Assessment and Application of International Affairs Theories Essay

Assessment and Application of International Affairs Theories - Essay Example ce of international relations in the society, mainly the application of the IR theories in the aforementioned fields has immensely shaped human existence. The theoretical frameworks within the discipline assist in the explanation of the global activities/events, the identification of the most important international actors, and the different means of exertion of influence from the international platform. Moreover, the IR theories assist nations or heads of states and their foreign policy advisors during the conduction of foreign policy. There exist different IR theories that work towards the presentation of the critical events and happenings around the world. These theories assist governments in the processes of policy making, relations with other governments, and activities that occur among nations. These theories include liberalism, neo-liberalism, classical realism, constructivism, post-structuralism, Marxism, and post-modernism. These are not, however, the only IR theories. While some may be insufficient in the explanation of the aforementioned, there are theories that can be combined to offer an articulate elucidation of global events, government relations and foreign policy, and the issue of power and interaction. Among the outlined theories, liberalism, classical realism, and post structuralism are the most effective in the explanation the contemporary and past experiences in the world, and the actors that exert international influence. In addition, these theories are the most effective in offering heads of states the assistance they need in conducting foreign policy. The application of the liberalism theoretical framework of the international theory can offer an articulate explanation of the relations among governments, and major occurrences that involve decisions by the heads of states. The development of theory emanates from the society’s quest to explain the relations through the disregard of classical realism. However, emphasizes on the exploration

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

I want to buy health insurance by myself Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

I want to buy health insurance by myself - Essay Example Thus, this factor underlines the case importance of medical cover, which comes in a variety of programs for an individual to make a choice. As students, we also need to plan for any misfortune, since we cannot tell of future occurrences. However, what happens when you cannot rely on a program meant to help you in case of a misfortune? Does such a program guarantee you a safe future? While acknowledging the Oklahoma Christian University Administration’s noble intentions in their medical cover program, this expose posit that the cover does not meet its intended purpose and hence the administration should allow students to arrange for their own cover. The initial purpose of any health insurance, or a medical cover, is to ensure that there was proper care of an individual’s body and health. In this regard, a medical cover should be a permanent arrangement that we can all rely on and avail at the appropriate time in case of a serious health disorder. In this regard, an individual’s health is at risk once the medical cover is not dependable. Case in point, our University’s medical cover is not one of the reliable. For instance, a colleague became sick, while in school, and we had to dig deep into our pockets and arrange for an ambulance, which took him to the hospital. This is despite the fact the colleague had paid for medical cover in the University. Thus, the failure of the University to meet such basic costs underlines the undependable nature of the medical cover. At this instance, we pause and ask the question of what would have been the consequence of us not raising money for the ambulance. This can only m ean that the investable would have happened. While medical cover should keep you insured against serious illnesses, our University cover does not cover even the most of basic illnesses like vision and teeth. We all know that

Sunday, November 17, 2019

International Preliminary Examination Essay Example for Free

International Preliminary Examination Essay International preliminary examination is an optional feature of the international phase available under Chapter II of the PCT. It is performed by an International Preliminary Examining Authority (IPEA), one of the Offices which are also International Searching Authorities (ISAs) [see Module 7]. The receiving Office with which you filed your PCT application has appointed the IPEA which is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“competentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  to perform international preliminary examination. If your receiving Office has appointed more than one competent IPEA, you can choose between them, taking into account differing requirements relating to search, such as language, fees, etc. The international preliminary examination gives you the benefit, before entering the national phase, of an assessment from an IPEA on whether your invention appears to be novel, involves an inventive step (non-obvious), and is industrially applicable. This may provide you with greater certainty on your chances of obtaining a patent. You may consider international preliminary examination if, as a result of the international search and the written opinion of the ISA, your PCT application needs to be amended in order to overcome objections previously raised in the written opinion of the ISA. During the international preliminary examination procedure, you can amend the description, claims and drawings of your PCT application. This enables you to further refine your PCT application, which will be useful during the patent granting procedures in the national phase. While international preliminary examination is not binding for the purposes of national or regional examination, it is increasingly seen by national and regional Offices as highly persuasive. It may, in some Offices, result in a reduced examination fee in the national or regional phase. 9.1 The Demand The à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“demandà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  is a PCT term that is used to describe the request for international preliminary examination. The demand automatically indicates that you intend to use the results of international preliminary examination in all PCT countries. The Offices of the countries where the international preliminary examination results will be used are referred to as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“electedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Offices. The demand must be made on a printed or computer generated form [Form PCT/IPEA/401] and must contain certain indications, all of which are clearly identified on the form. It must be submitted, with very limited exceptions, to a competent IPEA within three months from the date of transmittal to the applicant of the ISR and the written opinion of the ISA, or within 22 months from the priority date, whichever period expires later. If the demand is filed with an IPEA which is not competent for carrying out international preliminary examination, or with a receiving Office, an ISA or the International Bureau, it will be transmitted by that Office or Authority either directly to the competent IPEA, or first to the International Bureau which will in turn transmit it to the competent IPEA. Generally, the original filing date of the demand will be retained. If the language in which your PCT application was searched or the language in which it was published is not accepted by the IPEA, you will be invited to furnish a translation within one month from the date of the invitation. If you do not furnish the missing translation in time, the IPEA will consider the demand not to have been submitted. 9.2 Amendment of the Description, Claims, Drawings When you file the demand, or before the start of international preliminary examination, you have an opportunity to amend your PCT application (description, claims, and drawings). These amendments are commonly referred to as Article 34 amendments. Any amendments that you make may not go beyond the disclosure of your PCT application as originally filed. As far as the claims are concerned, this is a second opportunity for amending them before the international preliminary examination starts (the first being by way of Article 19 amendments submitted to the International Bureau after receipt of the international search report). In practice, most applicants filing a demand for international preliminary examination do not make use of the possibility of amending the claims under Article 19, unless publication of the amendments is desired [see Module 8 section 8.2]. Where it is clear from the references cited in the ISR and the written opinion of the ISA that the PCT application requires amendments, applicants typically furnish their amendments to the IPEA together with the demand. 9.3 Written Opinion of the IPEA The written opinion of the ISA is generally used as the first written opinion of the IPEA, particularly if the ISA and the IPEA are the same. In this case, you will most likely not receive a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“secondà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  written opinion from the IPEA. You should therefore file any Article 34 amendments and/or any arguments in relation to the written opinion of the ISA together with the demand. International preliminary examination does not usually start until after the ISA has drawn up the ISR and the written opinion. You may wait for these documents before deciding whether to proceed further with the PCT application by filing a demand for international preliminary examination. The cost of the examination need not be incurred before it is clear, from the results of the ISR and the written opinion of the ISA, that the invention claimed in the PCT application is not clearly lacking novelty and inventiveness. If the IPEA and ISA are the same, the Office may decide to start international preliminary examination at the same time as the international search, except where, under certain circumstances, the applicant has requested that international preliminary examination be postponed. If, exceptionally, a second written opinion is established by the IPEA, you may have additional opportunities to file amendments during the international preliminary examination. The number of opportunities for filing amendments which will be available depends very much on the time available for international preliminary examination. The international preliminary examination report must in general be drawn up not later than 28 months from the priority date. Any amendments you file after the examiner has begun to draw up the report can no longer be taken into account. Should you wish to make further amendments (which can no longer be filed during the international phase), they can still be filed with elected Offices on entering the national phase. No elected Office may grant or refuse a patent before the expiration of the time limit for amending the application for the purposes of the grant procedure in the national phase. Each national chapter of the PCT Applicants Guide gives details as to when and how amendments may be filed during the national phase [see Module 10]. 9.3.1 Response to the Written Opinion of the IPEA Exceptionally, you may receive an additional written opinion from the IPEA [Form PCT/IPEA/408], with an invitation to respond, before the international preliminary examination report is drawn up. In such a case, you may present further amendments or arguments. Informal communications between the IPEA and the applicant are expressly provided for under the PCT. Consistent with the non-binding, preliminary nature of the international preliminary examination, there is no provision for a formal review of an examiners opinion, except on disputed findings of lack of unity of invention [see Module 7 section 7.1.2]. International preliminary examination can thus be compared to a regular patent examination in an examining patent Office with one exception; namely, in that the time limits set by the examiner for the response are usually much shorter than under the normal examination procedure. A prompt reaction is required from you during preliminary examination in order for the international preliminary examination to be completed within the limited time available. 9.4 The International Preliminary Report on Patentability (Chapter II) International preliminary examination ends with the drawing up of an International Preliminary Report on Patentability (Chapter II) as prescribed under Chapter II of the PCT à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" commonly referred to as an IPRP (Chapter II) [Form PCT/IPEA/409]. The IPRP Chapter II is typically drawn up before the expiration of 28 months from the priority date. The IPRP (Chapter II) is a non-binding opinion, which essentially contains a statement, in relation to each claim, on whether it appears to satisfy the criteria of novelty, inventive step and industrial applicability as defined in the PCT. The statement is accompanied by the citation of the documents believed to support that conclusion. Further explanations are given where the circumstances of the case so require. No statement may be made on the question whether the invention would be patentable under the national law of any elected State. If the report is based on the PCT application in an amended form, a copy of all sheets containing amendments will be annexed to the report. The IPEA transmits the IPRP (Chapter II) to the applicant and to the International Bureau. The report is established in the language in which the PCT application concerned is published or, if the international preliminary examination is carried out on the basis of a translation of the PCT application, in the language of the translation. The International Bureau must then translate, if necessary, the report into English to meet the language requirements of some elected Offices. Only the IPRP (Chapter II) is translated, not the annexes. The transmittal of the IPRP (Chapter II) completes the international procedure under Chapter II. The IPRP (Chapter II) is not accessible to persons other than the applicant and the elected Offices during the international phase. Neither the International Bureau nor the IPEA may, unless requested or authorized to do so by the applicant, give information on the issuance of an IPRP (Chapter II) or on the withdrawal or non-withdrawal of the demand or of any election, except for communications or access provided to elected Offices. Upon receipt of the IPRP (Chapter II) (at the latest, at about the 28th month from the priority date), you have until the expiration of 30 months from the priority date in which to evaluate it and to decide whether to proceed further by entering the national or regional phase before the elected Offices. If a translation of the PCT application must be furnished to the elected Office upon entry into the national phase, it must usually include a translation of the PCT application as originally filed, and of the amendments appearing in the annexes to the IPRP (Chapter II). The translation requirements of the annexes vary somewhat among the elected Offices. The national chapter relating to each elected Office in the PCT Applicants Guide indicates the applicable requirements.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Death of A Salesman as a Modern Tragedy Essay -- Death Salesman loman

Death of A Salesman as a Modern Tragedy      Ã‚   It has been stated that the audience needs to have mixed feelings about the destruction of a human being for a play to be a tragedy. To establish Death of A Salesman as a tragedy, we must demonstrate that not only does the audience feel sadness due to Willy’s demise, but also they feel that justice has been exacted on Willy for his behavior. As this is the case I will first examine the reasons why the audience feels sadness for Willy, and then go on to see why it is that the audience also feels that Willy deserves the punishment which fate hands him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     It is obvious throughout Death of A Salesman that Willy Loman’s life is bad, and that it is getting worse, despite Willy’s dreams and aspirations. His first major problem is with his job. From the very first scene we see that all is not well. Willy has returned from a work trip the same day as setting out for it, and it is made obvious that this is not the first occurrence of an incident of this type. Thus the audience is aware that Willy has problems with his job, and it is not long before they find out that Willy having trouble getting to work is the least of his problems. The real problem lies at work itself. It appears that despite all of Willy’s bragging, he is not actually a very successful salesman (the lack of people at his funeral perhaps indicates not only that he isn’t one, but also that he never was a particularly good one in the first place). He has in fact been ‘borrowing’ money fr om Charley to make Linda think that he is still successful. Willy lies so often about his work (as well as other things), that he has almost made himself believe his own lies, and one of the only indications to the contrary is... ...acter in the play inspires several different sentiments, including Linda who despite being loyal is too subservient for her own good, and Biff, who despite the fact that he is honest and has good intentions, is too direct to help matters very much.    Works Cited Eisinger, Chester E. "Focus on Arthur Miller's 'Death of a Salesman': The Wrong Dreams," in American Dreams, American Nightmares, (1970 rpt In clc. Detroit: Gale Research. 1976 vol. 6:331 Foster, Richard J. (Confusion and Tragedy: The Failure of Miller's 'Salesman' (1959) rpt in clc. Detroit: Gale Research. 1983 vol. 26:316 Gardner, R. H. ("Tragedy of the Lowest Man," in his Splintered Stage: (1965) rpt in clc. Detroit: Gale Research. 1983 vol. 2l6:320 Gordon, Lois "Death of a Salesman": An Appreciation, in the Forties: 1969) rpt in clc. Detroit: Gale Research. 1983 vol. 26:323   

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Biblical Accuracy

January 3, 2012/17 Rhetoric I Ask In Kennedy's inaugural address he pledges to help the people around the world who â€Å"struggle to break the bonds of misery. † He wishes to help these people because it is the right thing to do. This shows that there was much poverty around the world at the time. Even the rich needed help; Kennedy said, â€Å"If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, then it cannot save the few who are rich. † Kennedy also wanted to assure the survival and success of liberty. He wanted every nation to know that America would do anything to preserve and spread liberty. In his inaugural address, Kennedy uses the oxymoron â€Å"peaceful revolution. † He was referring to the peace he wanted to maintain with Mexico. Likewise Kennedy wanted to pursue and attain world peace. In his 1961 inaugural speech, Kennedy states numerous times the achievement of world peace. He understood that peace would be difficult to accomplish. Therefore he made a request to the enemy to begin anew a quest for peace. He states that the only way to achieve peace would be to have â€Å"arms sufficient beyond doubt† because only then will they be certain to never be used on each other. Yet peace is a distant dream because both sides are frantic to not be outdone by the opposing force. Which goes back to what Kennedy said, â€Å"let us begin anew. † A way to achieve harmony is to â€Å"let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate. † Another way to attain serenity according to Kennedy, is to have both sides explore what will unite them instead of dwelling on what separates them. Lastly, a way to unite the world would be to explore the endless wonders of science together. Kennedy explains this specific road to tranquility by using parallelism. Kennedy's words on obtaining peace suggest that a war, the cold war precisely, was occurring. John F. Kennedy is considered to be one of America's greatest presidents. It's not hard to see why with his elaborate, inspirational speeches. Kennedy loved America and wanted the best for her, peace, freedom, unity, and liberty. It was JFK that said these motivational words, â€Å"United, there is little we cannot do†¦ Divided there is little we can do. â€Å"

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Jawaharlal Nehru Essay

Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India. His Prime-Minister-ship was marked by social and economic reforms of the Indian state. A number of foreign policy landmarks like the founding of the Non-Aligned Movement also marked the tenure of Jawaharlal Nehru as Prime Minister. Jawaharlal Nehru became Prime Minister on the 15th of August 1947. His ascension was plagued by controversy and a bitter power struggle within the Congress Party. The internal struggle of the party was symptomatic of the larger struggle within the Indian Republic itself. The initial period of Jawaharlal Nehru as Prime Minister was marked by communal violence. Jawaharlal Nehru was forced to concede the creation of Pakistan as per the wishes of the Muslim League leader the leadership of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Communal violence enveloped the entire country during this period. Maximum bloodshed was witnessed in the national capital Delhi. The Indian states of Punjab and West Bengal also witnessed fierce bloodshed. The first Prime Minister tried to defuse the explosive situation by visiting the violence affected areas. He toured the riot stricken areas with Pakistani leaders to reassure those affected by the violence. Nehru promoted peace in Punjab during that momentous period in Indian history. The secular nature of Jawaharlal Nehru was best exemplified during those times. He took active steps to safeguard the status of Indian Muslims. The first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru was one of the first Indian policymakers to understand the importance of cottage industries in the Indian economy. The development of such small scale industries infused much needed production efficiency into the rural Indian economy. The Cottage Industries also helped the agricultural workers to have a better quality of life. This is due to the additional profits generated by the farming community.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Earthquakes

Earthquakes I. Seismic Waves to Study Earth’s Interior A. Travel Time, Reflection, Refraction of P & S Waves 1. Travel time of body waves gives us VP, VS, and (density) as a function of depth. 2. Velocity of P & S waves increases with depth. B. Earth’s Layered Composition 1. Crust a. Quartz, feldspar, and basalt. b. Continental Crust Mostly quartz and feldspar. Lower density than oceanic crust. Variable thickness (10-50 km). c. Oceanic Crust Mostly basalt. Higher density than continental crust. Uniform thickness (10 km). d. Isostacy Crust floats in equilibrium on the denser mantle beneath. 2. Mantle a. Ultramafic Rocks Olivine. Pyroxene. b. Low velocity zone: Convection in mantle distributes heat evenly. c. Polymorphic phase transition 400 km and 660 km. Pressure changes the crystal structure of minerals causing a slow in seismic wave velocity. 3. Core a. Core-Mantle boundary 2913 km. b. Nickel and FE. c. Inner core is 6271 km deep. d. Outer core boundary is 2900 km deep. e. Liquid outer core TM: Melting temperature of ultramafic rocks. S waves cannot propagate through the outer core (liquid). Iron, oxygen, and silicon. C. Mantle is mostly olivine. 1. Seismic waves a. VS, VP, and measured in lab match seismic measurements. 2. Zenolith a. Mantle rocks found in volcanoes with deep roots contain olivine. b. Kimberlite Volcanoes Mantle material brought up very quickly contains olivine and diamonds. Do not erupt anymore. 3. Ophiolite Suite a. Oceanic crest that’s been abducted onto continental crust contains olivine and the moho. 4. Primitive meteorites a. Examining carboneous chondrites (primitive meteorites) with olivine. D. Iron Catastrophy 1. This is how the earth became layered. 2. 4.3 billion years ago. II. Interpreting Seismograms A. Seismograms 1. Short period instruments: T 1 second (body waves).... Free Essays on Earthquakes Free Essays on Earthquakes Earthquakes Throughout history, man has made many advancements. These advancements have been made to make life easier. The one thing man can't do is to control Mother Nature. Mother Nature can cause many things such as earthquakes. The causes of earthquakes have been theorized in many ways. According to the book Predicting Earthquakes by Gregory Vogt, the Greeks, "blamed the earthquakes on Poseidon, god of the sea"(25). The Hindu believed that "the earth was a platform that rested on the back of eight great elephants. When one of the elephants grew weary, it lowered and shook its head causing the ground above to tremble"(Vogt 25). Margaret Poynter writes "many primitive people thought that the earth rested upon the back of some sort of animal. When that animal became restless, great cracks appeared in the ground, and tall trees swayed and fell. In South America, the animal was a whale. In Japan, it was a great black spider or giant catfish. One ancient tribe thought that four bulls supported the earth on their horns. To amuse themselves, they sometimes tossed it from one to another"(6). In the same book, Poynter says "The Chinese believed that monsters lived in the caves inside the earth. When the creatures fought, the surface of the earth trembled (6)." "In Greece, it was not an animal, but a titan named Atlas who was condemned to support the world upon his shoulders. Later, about the third century B.C., a Greek philosopher, Aristotle, had a more scientific explanation. He thought that earthquakes occurred only when hot air masses tried to escape from the center of the earth. Two centuries later, Lucretius, a Roman, wrote that underground landslides caused the earth's surface to move"(Poynter 7).2 Last Name Today, scientists have found a more logical reason to earthquakes. Scientists say almost 600 million years ago, all the continents were connected to form a huge super continent c... Free Essays on Earthquakes Until the 18th century, earthquakes were thought to be caused by air rushing out of caverns deep in the Earth's interior (Watson). But we all know that is not how an earthquake happens. The earth’s surface is broken into seven large plates (â€Å"Major plates in the world†). There are also many other little plates on the surface but seven main ones. Each one of these plates is approximately 50 miles thick and moves against each other a few inches a year (USGS). The seven main plates in the world are: Eurasian plate, Pacific plate, North American plate, Nazca plate, South American plate, Australian plate, and Antarctic plate (Major plates in the world). When the plates move against each other, it’s not just your average plate rubbing. There are three different types of movements at the boundaries of the plates: convergent, divergent and transform-fault (â€Å"Major plates in the world†). A convergent movement is when plates move tword each other and colide. An example is when an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate. The oceanic plate slides under the continental plate making a huge ocean trench. This is called a subduction and you can find it where the Nazca plate and the continental Sout American plate (â€Å"Major plates in the world†). When continental plates collide, they form new major mountain systems such as the Himalyans (Watson). A divergent movement is when plates move away from each other. The mid-Atlantic ridge is from a divergent movement (â€Å"Major plates int the world†). When plates diverge, hot molten rock rises, cools, and fills in the emty spaces adding new formation to the edges of the oceanic plates (Watson). This is also known as sea-floor spreading. (â€Å"Major plates in the world†). A transform movement is when two plates move horizontal on each other A perfect example of this is the San Andreas fault (â⠂¬Å"Major plates in the world†). Los Angelas lies on the Pacific plate and is slowly moving... Free Essays on Earthquakes Earthquakes I. Seismic Waves to Study Earth’s Interior A. Travel Time, Reflection, Refraction of P & S Waves 1. Travel time of body waves gives us VP, VS, and (density) as a function of depth. 2. Velocity of P & S waves increases with depth. B. Earth’s Layered Composition 1. Crust a. Quartz, feldspar, and basalt. b. Continental Crust Mostly quartz and feldspar. Lower density than oceanic crust. Variable thickness (10-50 km). c. Oceanic Crust Mostly basalt. Higher density than continental crust. Uniform thickness (10 km). d. Isostacy Crust floats in equilibrium on the denser mantle beneath. 2. Mantle a. Ultramafic Rocks Olivine. Pyroxene. b. Low velocity zone: Convection in mantle distributes heat evenly. c. Polymorphic phase transition 400 km and 660 km. Pressure changes the crystal structure of minerals causing a slow in seismic wave velocity. 3. Core a. Core-Mantle boundary 2913 km. b. Nickel and FE. c. Inner core is 6271 km deep. d. Outer core boundary is 2900 km deep. e. Liquid outer core TM: Melting temperature of ultramafic rocks. S waves cannot propagate through the outer core (liquid). Iron, oxygen, and silicon. C. Mantle is mostly olivine. 1. Seismic waves a. VS, VP, and measured in lab match seismic measurements. 2. Zenolith a. Mantle rocks found in volcanoes with deep roots contain olivine. b. Kimberlite Volcanoes Mantle material brought up very quickly contains olivine and diamonds. Do not erupt anymore. 3. Ophiolite Suite a. Oceanic crest that’s been abducted onto continental crust contains olivine and the moho. 4. Primitive meteorites a. Examining carboneous chondrites (primitive meteorites) with olivine. D. Iron Catastrophy 1. This is how the earth became layered. 2. 4.3 billion years ago. II. Interpreting Seismograms A. Seismograms 1. Short period instruments: T 1 second (body waves).... Free Essays on Earthquakes Earthquakes Earthquakes have plagued our lives for as long as people have inhabited the earth. These dangerous acts of the earth have been the cause of many deaths in the past century. So what can be done about these violent eruptions that take place nearly with out warning? Predicting an earthquake until now has almost been technologically impossible. With improvements in technology, lives have been saved and many more will. All that remains is to research what takes place before, during, and after an earthquake. This has been done for years to the point now that a successful earthquake prediction was made and was accurate. This paper will discuss a little about earthquakes in general and then about how predictions are made. Earthquake, â€Å"vibrations produced in the earth's crust when rocks in which elastic strain has been building up suddenly rupture, and then rebound.†(Associated Press 1993) The vibrations can range from barely noticeable to catastrophically destructive. Six kinds o f shock waves are generated in the process. Two are classified as body waves-that is, they travel through the earth's interior-and the other four are surface waves. The waves are further differentiated by the kinds of motions they impart to rock particles. Primary or compressional waves (P waves) send particles oscillating back and forth in the same direction as the waves are traveling, whereas secondary or transverse shear waves (S waves) impart vibrations perpendicular to their direction of travel. P waves always travel at higher velocities than S waves, so whenever an earthquake occurs, P waves are the first to arrive and to be recorded at geophysical research stations worldwide.(Associated Press 1993) Earthquake waves were observed in this and other ways for centuries, but more scientific theories as to the causes of quakes were not proposed until modern times. One such concept was advanced in 1859 by the Irish engineer Rob...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Maryland Vital Records - Births, Deaths and Marriages

Maryland Vital Records - Births, Deaths and Marriages Learn how and where to obtain birth, marriage, and death certificates and records in Maryland, including the dates for which Maryland vital records are available, where they are located, and links to online Maryland vital records databases. Maryland Vital Records:Division of Vital RecordsDepartment of Health and Mental Hygiene6550 Reisterstown RoadBaltimore, MD 21215-0020Phone: (410) 764-3038 or (800) 832–3277 What You Need to Know:Personal check or money order should be made payable to Division of Vital Records. Call or visit the Web site to verify current fees. All requests MUST include the signature and a photocopy of a valid photo ID of the individual requesting the record. The state of Maryland does not accept payments for vital records certificates by credit card, but you can process requests with a credit card through VitalCheck. Web site: Maryland Vital Statistics Administration Maryland Birth Records: Dates: From 1898 (from 1875 in Baltimore City) Cost of copy: $24.00 Comments: Access to birth records in Maryland is restricted to the individual named on the certificate, the parent or guardian of that individual, the surviving spouse, a court-appointed guardian, or an authorized representative of the individual or a parent listed on the certificate.. With your request for a Maryland birth certificate, include as much as you can of the following: the name on the birth record being requested, date of birth, place of birth (city or county), fathers full name, mothers full name (including her maiden name), your relationship to the person whose certificate is being requested, your daytime telephone number with area code, your handwritten signature and complete return mailing address.Application for Maryland Birth Certificate * Maryland birth records more than 100 years old (from 1878 in Baltimore City and 1898 for the rest of the state) are available from the Maryland State Archives with no access restrictions. Earlier birth records (from 1865) may be available for certain counties. The fee is $12.00 for a plain copy and $25 per certified copy. Request must include the full name, approximate date of birth and county. Maryland State Archives350 Rowe Blvd.Annapolis, MD 21401Phone: (410) 260-6400Web site: Maryland State Archives Online:  Maryland Births and Christenings, 1650–1995 (free, index only) Maryland Death Records: Dates: From 1898 (from 1875 in Baltimore City) Cost of copy: $24.00 Comments: Access to death records in Maryland is restricted to surviving relatives of the deceased or their authorized representatives, and individuals who have a proven legal need. The State Vital Records Division only issues certified copies of death certificates for individuals who died from 1969 to the present. Earlier death records are available from the Maryland State Archives. With your request for a Maryland death certificate, include as much as you can of the following: the name of the deceased, date of death, place of death (city or county), your relationship to the person whose certificate is being requested, your purpose for needing the copy, your full name, current address, daytime telephone number with area code and handwritten signature.Application for Maryland Death Certificate * Maryland death records prior to 1969 (from 1878 in Baltimore City and 1898 for the rest of the state) are available from the Maryland State Archives with no access restrictions. Earlier death records (from 1865) may be available for certain counties. The fee is $12.00 for a plain copy and $25 per certified copy. Request must include the full name, approximate date of death and county. Online: Maryland Death Index, 1898-1944 (free) *Includes Baltimore City deaths back to 1875Maryland Church, Death Burial Index, 1686–1958 (free)Maryland Deaths and Burials, 1877–1992 (free, index only) Maryland Marriage Records: Dates: Varies by county Cost of Copy: Varies Comments: The state vital statistics division only issues certified copies of marriage certificates from 1990. For marriage records prior to 1990, send your request to the Clerk of Circuit Court in the county where the marriage license was issued or the Clerk of Common Pleas of Baltimore City for marriage licenses issued in the city of Baltimore. Copies of marriage records from 1777 through 1950 can also be obtained through the Maryland State Archives. Online: Maryland Marriage Records Index 1655-1850 (subscription only)Maryland Marriages, 1666–1970 (free, index only) Maryland Divorce Records: Dates: Varies by county Cost of copy: Varies Comments: Send your request to the Clerk of Circuit Court for the county where the divorce decree was granted. The Maryland State Archives also has divorce records  for Baltimore City and several counties into the 1980s for some jurisdiction. More US Vital Records - Choose a State

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Marketing strategies being implemented by Contiki Australia Case Study

Marketing strategies being implemented by Contiki Australia - Case Study Example Introduction Contiki Australia is a coach tour organization established in the year 1962. Major aim of the organization is to provide organised fun and adventurous tours targeted for the youth aged between 18 and 35. This part of the essay will determine the image of Contiki. Discussion The organization provides their target customers the value of an adventurous and organized trip enriched with tours, activities and flexible optional excursions. The image the organization portrays to its group of target customers is of an organization that provides young and energetic individual hassle free tours full of adventures and fun. The organization provides diversified services to its customers. Travel is known as high involvement activity. The company website of Contiki provides key information on its travel tips, tours, videos, FAQs, virtual community, newsletters and competitions. The organization reviewed several aspects in order to motivate and attract young travellers. Generation Y is considered as internet generation. Youth members of generation Y have a powerful sense of autonomy and independence. Therefore, the organization effectively implemented online marketing strategy in late 1970s to attract the young individuals. The company website is very popular with its specific niche market as they provide key information about several tour packages and services. The organization is popular among its target audiences. According to the young target audiences, the organization provides unforgettable travel experience. Contiki promises that the organization will help the customers to discover different cultures and meet with new individuals from all over the world. Effective value creation and lead management strategy helped the organization to fulfil the demand of target audiences. According to a survey, the travellers are motivated to experience different things from their home environment. The organization has successfully developed superior value for its target cu stomers. Rigorous understanding of motivation and needs helped the organization to attract young travellers in the highly competitive global marketplace. Major objective of the brand manager of Contiki is to build meaningful and strong bonds between the organizations and its target customers. The executives of the organization used to share several travel stories to captivate and inspire the target customers. These stories avail several common themes, such as fun, adventure and feel good factor. These stories are arbitrated from several travel videos that feature on several social networking sites and company website of Contiki. The organization incites their users to share the gravel experiences. According to the travellers, the organization provides customer oriented products and services to grab significant market share in this competitive global market place. Conclusion Contiki is one of the leading Australia based travel and tour organizations. The organization provides coach t our facilities to the young customers. The organization is very much popular due to several differentiated products and services. Contiki is a significant example of an organization that has developed superior value to the target customers. Question 2 Contiki tour is an Australia based organization that offers holiday and travel packages to several domestic and international customers. Introduction The organization effectively tried to create value for customers through several key marketing strategies and activities. It is true that the organizations need to develop unique strategies in order to sustain in the competitive global market place. This part of the essay will discuss about the marketing activities that have been practiced by Contiki to create value f